tisdag 29 juni 2010

F.O.D.T Teaser

Finger On The Trigger also released their teaser for this years movie called "The Arena".

Looks like the same old gangster attitude, dollyshots to infinity and more lifestyle then actual riding on this feature too.
But hey, why change a winning concept!?

You gotta admit that these boys are ripping it on huge spots though and the Gangstarr soundtrack is DOPE!

måndag 28 juni 2010

Videograss Teaser

My favourite movie from las year was the Videograss flick.

Now they have released the teaser for this years project called Bon Voyage.

Last days

The time has come for me to pack my bags and leave Fonna.

I was planing on staying for one or maybe two weeks, but here we are 7 weeks later and I'm still here.

I've had a killer time here and I would love to stick around for a bit longer, but the weatherforcast for the coming days doesn't look that promising and I guess I gotta get my ass home to start making some money on a "real" job someday too.

I've had a nice day yesterday filmning a competition where Emil Fossheim ended up in third place after Odd Soleröd and Julius Braathen Ødegaard.
After that we had another sunsetsession on the Mushroom kicker and then a polebonk-kind of thing together with the Head team.

Got some pretty dope footage and I'm looking forward towards editing some more short videos of these last days of filming.

But tomorrow I'm officialy leaving Fonna.

Not going home quite yet though. First a quick stop in Borlänge for the Peace And Love Festival.

Looking forward on spending some time with my good old uncle cuz Djuun Byrström and watching Jay Hova, Brother Ali, Vitalic and more..

Screencaptures from yesterdays session will round up this post.

Mushroom-Man Fossheim Fossheim looking stoked about the kicker that he have built.

Emil Flossy Flippin!

Julius looking pretty satisfied with 10.000 NOK in his hands.

Then it was time for sunsesession number two

Just in case you've forgot about where the place to be is!

Snowmobile towing, ain't no hiking going on here.

Johan stretchin out one of his patent pending BS 180's

Here he's nosebonking the pole with a Frontside 3.


lördag 26 juni 2010


Today at Fonna was a pretty awsome day.

It started off kinda slow with some bad weather in the morning. But in the afternoon the sun started the come out and we went on a small backcountrymisson which turned out really well.

Later that evening we teamed up with Head Snowboards and NEXT Productions for a nightshoot at a kicker that was just made by the allmighty Mushroom Man Emil Fossheim.

It turned out really good and Viktor Wiberg and Kire got some smooth sunsetshots. Hopefully we will be able to hit it again tomorrow night.

Here's some pics and screenshots from todays sessions.
Wiberg throwing some rocks down the mountain. Maybe the greatest thing that happened today. Superfun!
Oh, what a handsome face!

Odd Fellow Soleröd tweaking out some steezy BS 180 on the stepdown BC Kicker.
Oh yeah! Wiberg getting those shots!
Kire hangin out a huge FS 5 with his hat in his left hand.
Head teamrider Christopher Schmidt hangin out a BS 180.

That is one fine looking sunset right there!

Signing out.

torsdag 24 juni 2010

Another Fonna Update

Okey. These last couple of days has been pretty hectic but superfunny and very productive.

We've moved from one house to another and the internet connection hasn't been the best but now I'm up and running again.

The Ducksjen Crew have been here again and this time we've been really lucky and been getting some shot basically every day.

Instead of writing something more I just hit you up with some shitload off pictures.

Stay crunked!

The weather has been really great this last week, and as usual Fonna deliver some sick scenery and crazy cloudformations.
As you can see, epic scenery...?

The clouds went very high up the mountain that day, but about 10 minutes later it all disappeared, which created one off the dopest timelapses I ever filmed.

Kire checkin out BC Kicker #1
The first one was a corner type off jump with a epic backdrop.
Alexander Östereng threw down some BANGIN trick I must say.
From BC Kicker #2 I only got this picture from a sweet sunset session
Another spot, rock-wallride to gapjump.
If you look really close at the picture you can see BC Kicker #3
Östereng and Kire getting Hammers!
This is the view that we wake up to every morning at our new house.
We also got ourself a house pet. How sick is that!?
Tonight we repainted the cafeteria at the skicenter. Not the biggest surprise it would end up this way. Klas Beyer, what more can you say!?
Johan showing off his gunners and massive backmuscles. Damn boi.. Don't wanna get in to a fight with him..

lördag 19 juni 2010

Videograss/Nitro in Sweden

Found this clip from the Videograss/Nitro riders from their trip to Sweden earlier this winter.

Riding in Övik and Umeå by Nima Jalali, Jon Kooley, Jordan Mendenhall and Anton Gunnarsson.

I really think the Videograss movie will come out sick this year. Even though this clip didn't include the best riding..

torsdag 17 juni 2010


Just received the news that swedish tv-chanel ZTV are being shut down for good.

ZTV was the "youth-chanel" when I grew up I've spent a lot of hours watching programs such as Edge TV, Ventil, Wimans, Pyjamas, Crossfade and much more.

These last couple of years I have barley watched it. Don't even know if someone did since it wasn't included in the standard TV offerings. But some nice programs have been delivered on the very last end also such as La Vida Locash and Mamma, det är en Kändis i Köket.

But the program that I think about the most when it comes to ZTV are of course Edge TV.

Edge was a weekly based program containing skateboarding, snowboarding and other "extreme-sports" that was really rare to see on swedish television at that time. As a matter off fact, it's still that way!
Since Edge TV was cancelled, not one single program have showed any qualityproduced skateboarding/snowboarding.

SVT's lame programs S-special, Richter and other programs not included in this. Even though I thought they we're dope at that time..

But still. I would say that Edge TV is one of the main reasons I've gotten in to this whole skateboard/snowboard, film your friends kind of business. So thank you Edge TV for that. And thank you ZTV!

Here's some different clips from a few of the programs aired on ZTV this past decade.

Edge TV - Pöbelfilm

Edge TV - Brevfilm

Palle from the Pöbelfims movies later on got a job at ZTV and the show
Wimans where he created chaos on a regular basis.

Pyjamas - Peter Magnusson and David Helenius when they still were funny.

onsdag 16 juni 2010

More Raindrops

Just checked in a few websites and I saw that they've all posted my latest piece "Just Like Raindrops".

This is what Playboard.no writes:

"Fra puddersnø til sommerslush, oppdater deg på dagens Folgefonna!

Videograf Kristofer Fahlgren har blitt nevnt ukjent antall ganger over de siste ukene her på Playboard.no, men ikke uten grunn. Kristofer har tatt på seg oppgaven av å lage skremmende mange gode videorapporter om hva som foregår på Folgefonna denne sommeren.

I den nyeste editen får vi en recap på mye fete tricks som ble sticka og setups som ble bygd i den siste uka med godvær på Folgefonna. Faktisk har været vært såpass bra at puddertilstandene nå har blitt til herlig påskeslush, og har gitt rom for en god dose forandringer i parken.

Vannet trommer på asfalten på Folgefonna, ironisk nok ikke på grunn av regn men av godvær. Med en svært catchy sang, "Just Like Raindrops", og en tilhørende fet musikkvideo er vi i Playboard sikre på at dette blir årets sommerlåt!"

Tacky.no claims it to be the edit with the most misguiding title of all time.

Friflyt.no and Freeride.se also posted it!

måndag 14 juni 2010


Ok, I admit it. My blog looks like shit. But don't blame me. Blame blogspot.com, because I'm too lazy to get me a proper homepage.

Anyway. I've made some small changes on the layout and it still looks like shit, but at least I've made the videos a bit larger.

Always something, huh!?

To give you a sample I'm posting the new Forum Teaser.

Last years movie "Forever" got the "Movie of The Year- Award" but I wasn't superimpressed.

Maybe this years release will be better. The teaser looking promising!

söndag 13 juni 2010

Just Like Raindrops

The water is splashing on the ground and the snow has turned superslushy. But not because of rain, only due to the lovely sunshine we've had this last week.

Check out some new features here on Fonna and of course some awsome shred in the rail and kickerline.

Riding by Erik Karlsson, Johan Bergkvist, Christer Norlén, Joakim Berglund, Emil and Simon Fossheim

Just Like Raindrops from Kristofer Fahlgren on Vimeo.

More Dubstep

Found this Toronto based group called The Killabits.

Making bangin dubstep/dance music.

Check them out and download some awsome remixes HERE

torsdag 10 juni 2010


Ok, I might have slept on this one. But hopefully you haven't!

BlakRoc is the result off magnificent rock duo The Black Keys teaming up together with a numerous of dope rapartists such as Ludacris, RZA, Billie Danze, Raekwon and Mos Def to name a few.

You should really check out their self entitled album from 2009 or at least these great tracks from that album.

Also check out these tracks from The Black Keys latest album Brothers
First song "Tighten Up" produced by the genious mind of Danger Mouse

onsdag 9 juni 2010

Vistiting record

Ok, my plan or purpose with this whole blog thing was never to attract a bunch of viewers and followers.

Just thought it might be fun to look back at what I've been up to and a nice place for me to post all the edits that I make.

Recently I've just found out that my page visits has increased a whole lot these past few day which I think is kind of cool.

It might have something to do with Torsteins Tripple Cork post also i guess. But still.

Or maybe it's just the fact that Klas " I don't have a facebook account" Beyer are responsible for more then half off my visits.

Anyway. I'm glad you all like checkin out what's goin on in my life.
I will try to keep updating as long as I have something at least minor interesting to write about.


Broken bones

Today Kasper and Torgeir Berre from the Ducksjen Crew showed up at Fonna.

We started to hit the big kicker again and some big tricks got thrown down. Unfortunately Torgeir Berre was unlucky enough to break his collarbone at the end off the session.
The kicker has now harvested one broken nose. two broken ribs and one collarbone. Damn it.

But tomorrow we will hit it again. No pain no gain!
Kire showing up his brand new "Butterfly/Warpaint Face"
Kasper "45 kr" Häggström making Fonna unsafe.
Johan checking out some beauty marks on Kire´s whip.

tisdag 8 juni 2010

Eminem - Recovery

Eminems latest album has just leaked.

You can download it at worldwideurbanmusic

I've just listened to it briefly but some off the tracks sounds pretty allright.

Check it out.

måndag 7 juni 2010

Torstein Triple Cork Video

This is the Triple Cork, the real Tornado flip (J.O.), steinflip or whatever you wanna call it…

Camera Angles.

There´s this one and 3 more ultra detailed ones including a ”Red Camera” angle all shot by Field Productions and Kuske Productions plus a Photo Sequence shot by Olav Stubberud.
It will all be released in the near future at anytime pretty soon now, ish..

The Triple Cork from torstein horgmo on Vimeo.

söndag 6 juni 2010

Kire kickin it

Today Kire alongside with Petter Kristianssen, Simon Fossheim and some DC riders were also allowed to hit the big kicker.

Petter Kristianssen stomped some crazy ass spin trick, so I guess that Kire felt the pressure to also step the game up now when he got to play with the big boys.

I must say I'm super impressed by his riding today. Unfortunately he didn't manage to land anything and ended the session in a big pile off blood after a landing straight on his face.

Hopefully his nose feels better tomorrow so we can hit it again!

Screen capture from todays session. Kire going HUGE!
The kicker looking pretty smooth after Emil fixed it. The backdrop and weather is also epic!
Me working up some sweat behind the camera to find the best possible angle while I'm also working on my tan!
Session ended with a bloody nose for Kire. Hopefully nothing is broken.
Petter looking stoked after a good session. Kire Semi-stoked and Simon doesn't look stoked att all after a couple off hard knucklelandings.

Lesson of the day: Don't land on your nose!

lördag 5 juni 2010

Triple Treat

Today was a pretty AWSM day here at Fonna.

First I took some laps in the park together with Sigbjörn Tveit. That dude rides with TRIPLE XL gears and TRIPLE XL style all day everyday!

Then Field Productions had a shoot at former Nike 6.0 kicker, now re-built by the allmighty Emil Mushroom Fossheim.
My other JOSS team member Alexander Aurdal showed up for the shoot with some other skier dudes plus Torstein Horgmo.

That leads us to the second triple of the day. Horgmo just stomped the worlds first TRIPLE CORK. So impressive!
And YES, I've got it on tape! Stoked on that.

After that, me Kire, Petter Kristianssen and some DC riders went up on the mountain for a sweet sunsetsession on the polejam to gap-thing that we built yesterday. TRIPLE EPICNESS went down.

STOKED on that! Best day here in Fonna by far!
This is we're the shit went down today. TRIPLE CORK MotherF'er!
But first I went for some laps with Sig "Sig-Murdah" Tveit
Horgmo gave some props to the Mushroom Crew for a nice jump and a sweet park. Yeah!
The mastermind behind all the awsome thing here in Fonna
Emil with his spraypainted lips hangin out together with Alexander Aurdal and Anders Backe
Johan and Emil pimpin out the kicker with some new shrooms while Torstein finetuning the kicker
While the skiers was hitting the jump we went up on the top off the mountain for a sweet session on our own
EPIC sunset!

Then we rounded up the day with a well deserved beer at the local pub on our way home.

Today was REALLY a good day!

Signin out.
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